Afternoon Topic for Monday 25th January Robert Burns Day

Burns Night is a festival to celebrate Scotland’s most famous poet – a man called Robert Burns.

He produced hundreds of poems, songs and letters. Did you sing Auld Lang Syne at New Year? Robert Burns wrote that!

He was born on 25 January 1759 in a village called Alloway in Scotland.
This is why Burns Night is celebrated on 25 January as it’s his birthday.
He died on 21 July 1796, aged 37.

How is it celebrated?
One of the main ways that Burns Night is celebrated is with a very traditional meal.
This includes Scottish haggis, served up with mashed turnips (called “neeps”) and potatoes (called “tatties”), which are traditionally mashed too.
Haggis is a bit like spicy mince, made with bits of meat that you might not normally eat, like sheep’s intestines! It also has onion, stock and other things in it too. (If we had all been in school today we would have tried haggis but there will always be next year)

There may also be dancing and traditional Scottish music played on bagpipes.

Using all this information and the video at the bottom can you make a factfile and have a go at drawing a picture of Robert Burns.


Diary writing

Hi Everyone!

It would be lovely to see a few diaries, stories or letters on here before the end of the term.  Below are some tips for your writing.  Remember that your sentences must always make sense and be punctuated properly.  Also try to start your sentences with different words, link them with conjuctions and use expanded noun phrases like the furry, black cat or the enormous, red bus.  You should remember these from in our class.  But also remember, that you don’t need to use all of them in all your writing. Just pick a few that you like and would like to try –

Also, you could check your work by using the Y2 checklist for writing –

SPAG, SPAG and more SPAG!

Hi Y2

In case any of you want to have a go at all these SPAG tasks over this week and next and even do a bit over the summer, here are loads of different SPAG activities for you to do.  They get more difficult as you go along start with D, E and then GD.  Look at the little stars in the bottom corners of the sheets –

Have a look at this powerpoint which is all about spelling words that have consonants doubled in them when you add a suffix -ed, -ing, -er, est

eg hum becomes humming and hummed

big becomes bigger or biggest.

Click on download to open it and then try the wordsearch

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Loads of spellings!

Hi Y2!

Here are loads of spellings for you to have a go at. You might already know how to spell some of them.  Only learn a few at a time like we did in class each week.  There are lots of them for you to go through over the summer!  Choose the ones you need to practise the most.  Have a go at putting them into different sentences.


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